Wednesday, May 12, 2010

4 More Weeks :)

Dear Baby Girl,

Well, we have 4 weeks to go! I can't believe you have been growing inside me for 36 weeks already! I can still remember the night when your Daddy told me he thought you were inside of me. I was a little panicked. I didn't know what to do.

But since then, life has flown right on by! Daddy and I got married. It was a surprise for everyone. Then, we found out for sure that you were growing inside of me. That's when I knew, I had to take care of you. And protect you from everything. I hope I'm doing a good job. Because I'm trying my best!

This week, I've felt anxious a lot. I've called our friend Lola a lot! She probably thinks I'm nuts. But she is really sweet. You'll soon find out how amazing she is! And I've read lots of blogs. One that makes me a little sad. Because that mommy and baby don't have a good daddy like your Daddy.

We've also been eating lots of stuff! My belly just keeps on growing. But the doctor tells me that's a very good thing. We've been eating lots of watermelon and strawberries. Daddy went and bought us 3 watermelons. And in just 5 days, they were all gone. And poor Daddy, I don't think he got to eat but 2 slices!

Your Daddy has been taking very good care of us too! He calls every chance he can from work. Just to say hi. He likes to talk to you. So I put the phone on my belly. I know you can hear him talking, because you start to kick. Just like you do when Daddy gets home from work.

Well Little Girl, your Mommy and Daddy love you very, very much! I just want you to know that. Nothing will ever change that. And we're very excited to meet you!



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